
Showing posts from 2009

Last train to....Grand Central Station

My baby is moving to New York City! Is it OK to be excited and sad at the same time? I am so excited for him. This has been his dream for years, and now it's finally coming to fruition. He'll be living the fast paced life of the city with a job he adores. And, while we don't see him alot now that he lives in Austin, we know that we can jump in the car and see him in less than 3 hours. That won't be the case once he's moved. Guess we'll have to plan ahead more when we want to see him - but the fun we'll have. I'm looking forward to seeing the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and Christmas is a lovely time to visit New York. I guess we'll go to another Yankees game, but this time it will be at the new stadium. I've not been to Coney Island yet, so I'll go see it too. CONGRATULATIONS, DAVID! We are so very proud of you.


Several times a week, I wonder about posting and decide it's not the day, but...tonight is different. Sadness overwhelms me tonight. First of all, I'm hormonal (which never helps). My baby girl is leaving for her second year of college tomorrow. Two weeks from now will be the first anniversary of my mother's death. I've found that the anticipation of these anniversaries is usually worse than the day itself. I guess with Sarah leaving once again that I'm reminded of a year ago. My mother was so sick, and I was torn between the two. I didn't have time to grieve for either one fully. My poor mama had become a sick lady I hardly recognized. My baby girl was leaving, and I couldn't give that the attention it needed. I sit and wonder what this fall will bring. Will this be the "first year" of our empty nest? There are so many uncertainties... so many unresolved feelings...such sadness.

He's back...

Well after 2 weeks overseas, my son's back on American soil. It looks like he had a great time, but I think he's glad to be home. Well.....sort of.... It seems that upon his return he found his car missing from where he parked it. It was towed and impounded about a week ago....cha ching, that will be $400 please. Not happy words to a broke, just graduated, just got home from a trip kid. Especially when your car was left in an acceptable parking zone just 2 weeks ago which is now "no parking." Oh, the lessons we must learn along the journey. He fully intends to speak to the powers that be tomorrow to see what kind of reduction he might get, since he didn't know it would become a no parking zone. Of course, he did have one prize today. He received his UT class ring. Now, Longhorns don't prize their rings like we Aggies do, but it is pretty and was the bright spot in his very long day. Welcome home, Davey.

India or bust

Our firstborn, is on his way to India right now. That's so far away. Here goes another kid who cannot be reached whenever I want - at least for 2 weeks anyway. He's going to go see the fruition of his hard work this year to come up with a plan for a village drenched in poverty. There are 8 of them who have worked on this project to turn a palace into a hotel to generate income to support it's schools and hospitals. And, while he's there he'll also get to witness an Indian wedding ceremony and celebration, see the Taj Mahal, and just experience the culture. His first email spoke of "the disparity between poverty and riches in this place." I pray the Lord will use this trip to grow their relationship.

Missing my baby

Well, Sarah's working at Camp Pine Tree this summer. I know it will be fun for her, and I pray she'll be blessed by her job and the kids. This week she's been at training, and I really miss her. She was home one short week before starting the training, and it really spoiled me to have her around. Being at camp, I can't just pick up the phone and call. It's a little strange. These days of cell phones has spoiled all of us. We expect to speak to whomever we want, whenever we want, and right now! So, I'm feeling a little lonely this week. You know the intense love I feel for my children doesn't fade as they get older. It just gets stronger and stronger.

30 Short Years

WOW! Thirty years ago, today, I got married to a wonderful guy who puts up with all my "stuff." We've been through lots of ups and downs in 30 years. We've lost 3 parents, the first one more than 26 years ago, lost 7 grandparents, been unemployed for extended periods of time, and BLESSED BY THE LORD THE WHOLE DARN TIME!!! We've had 2 children grow up before our eyes and turn out to be the "bestest kids" in spite of our parenting. And, we're still "crazy after all these years." Pablo, I love you!

He's finished...

Well, he's done it...David has graduated from college, with 3 degrees, no less. My proud mama heart was overflowing with pride in my "baby boy." He's worked very hard the past five years. As I remember the day we first took him to UT (leaving home at 4:00am), it seems like yesterday. We were flabergasted when we found out he'd signed up for a 7:00am check-in for the dorm, but it turned out to be a blessing because it wasn't so crowded that time of day. He was able to interview for a job, which he got, and the day was good. Fast forward through being on the Liberal Arts Council, persevering to get in the Student Senate and becoming Vice-Chair, and serving with the Blazers and leading them one year, all while holding down a part time job and studying and keeping up good grades. I wasn't prepared for the emotions that came flooding in on me. Congratulations David Sanders Yount! I am so proud of you and your hard work. You are loved!!!

Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day without mine. We had our moments as most mothers and daughters do, but I loved her very much. And...I'm thankful that she knew that fact. It would be a terrible waste to care about someone and not have them know it. I pray that we will meet again at heaven's gate.

Rock Collectors

My husband sure seems intent on collecting rocks. Not the usual kind like geodes and such, but KIDNEY STONES!!! Seems like he could find another hobby, don't you think? I do. We went almost 5 years this time. (The last time it was less than a year.) But, he's been manufacturing them for a while now, since he has a couple that are 3/4 of an inch across. Marbles. Sure wish I knew what was causing these things. Guess I need to have a talk with God about that. I'm already talking to Him anyway about these things. Trying to hear His wisdom on what to do to dissolve them, just want them to GO AWAY! Guess maybe it's time to evaluate what we're doing to the temple.

Seen any dogwoods lately?

This is the most beautiful time of year to ride through East Texas. The dogwoods are so beautiful blooming wild in the woods. Just splotches of white in a sea of evergreen pines. The whiteness of their petals shining in the darkness. Just like Christ's sinless life shining in the darkness of a sinful world. What a wonderful reminder from God of His love for us. I will never grow tired of seeing these majestic blossoms growing wild in the wall to wall forests I call home.


WOW! As I got near the house, they were there in beautiful splendor. Luscious bluebonnets. So thick you cannot walk through them without mashing them. The hillside was filled, totally filled. Even the cracks on the driveway had bluebonnets in them. Mama would be so thrilled to see her bluebonnets doing what they do best. This time of year is hard for me. I miss her terribly. She, too, appreciated all the beautiful blooming things this time of year - purple magnolias, red bud trees, azaleas, dogwoods and bluebonnets. What a beautiful creation we have been given. I praise God for the beauty around me. And..."Mama," if you're listening, "the bluebonnets are beautiful this year!"

80 again

Well, today would have been my daddy's 80th birthday. It's been more than 26 years since I last saw him. Man, how I miss him. It hit me harder for this birthday. Maybe it's because I'm now an orphan and don't have my parents to hug me anymore. My daddy was so special to me. I was very much a daddy's girl, and I loved it. Days like today make me sad that my children never knew him. He loved kids and would have loved being with David and Sarah. Daddy, I love you!


Today would have been Mama's 80th birthday. I wish she was here to hug. She's been gone a little over 5 months. And... Charlie has gone downhill in that short span of time. I keep wondering what I'm supposed to be doing. Poor Charlie is lost, confused and physically spent. I thought when she died that I'd be checking on him, but it's become more than that. I must trust in Jesus to supply what I need to get through this struggle. Dear Jesus, show me Your way. Let me trust in You to take care of my needs.