
Showing posts from March, 2009

Seen any dogwoods lately?

This is the most beautiful time of year to ride through East Texas. The dogwoods are so beautiful blooming wild in the woods. Just splotches of white in a sea of evergreen pines. The whiteness of their petals shining in the darkness. Just like Christ's sinless life shining in the darkness of a sinful world. What a wonderful reminder from God of His love for us. I will never grow tired of seeing these majestic blossoms growing wild in the wall to wall forests I call home.


WOW! As I got near the house, they were there in beautiful splendor. Luscious bluebonnets. So thick you cannot walk through them without mashing them. The hillside was filled, totally filled. Even the cracks on the driveway had bluebonnets in them. Mama would be so thrilled to see her bluebonnets doing what they do best. This time of year is hard for me. I miss her terribly. She, too, appreciated all the beautiful blooming things this time of year - purple magnolias, red bud trees, azaleas, dogwoods and bluebonnets. What a beautiful creation we have been given. I praise God for the beauty around me. And..."Mama," if you're listening, "the bluebonnets are beautiful this year!"